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Lots of complaints, but in regards to Adam M's comment: Still need to get the QZSS and NavIC GNSS stuff working on the Septentrio...
Septentrio in an older document (1) indicates You can also check them using the web interface or RxControl (go to Help Receiver Interface and select the Permitted Capabilities tab); But I'm clueless about this.
This can be done at the command line in the Admin/Expert window
getReceiverCapabilities command will show sat info
setSignalTracking command
setChannelAllocation command
setSatelliteUsage command
I have not been down this rabbit hole, but commands are harmless, and commands means a person knows what they are doing.
1. Pg 43 88 : Command Line Interface Reference Guide: November 28, 2016
mosaic-X5 Reference Guide 2020-12-03
Hi Eltehs Team
1. Are these two products compatable: NEO-M8T TIME and RAW receiver board with SMA (RTK ready) ELT0332 - and High performance active GPS antenna -ELT0011
2. What would be the estimated shipping arrival to the US - Indiana more specifically