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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
Total Rating: 0 1 2 3 4

Hi gnss store.
Couple of questions
- The survey antenna that is included, is it the LT0123?
- For a land survey job (perimeter of a mountain cabin land plot), where I need precision +- 5cm, is this kit an overkill or do you have an alternative set up to recommend?

Cheers, Idar

Shop owner reply (07/03/2025):
Dear, Idar
1) Yes
2) There is no other waterproof (IP67) equipment at the moment. Its appearance based on ELT0233 is planned in a month or two.
0 1 2 3 4
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful
Total Rating: 0 1 2 3 4

Very pleased with the basestation. Easy to setup. I am a novice in this.
I have a few questions however:
I have tried CSRS-PPP (data collection for 24 h.) and the build in PPP that converges. They seem to agree on longitude and lattitude however elevation differes a lot some 80 cm. Are they using different references? In my country we use DVR50 - I have a geoid .gtx file use to correct on my rover however here there is a consistent approx 20 cm difference when useing the CSRS-PPP for the basepoint, when compared to some know points I have from a professional surveyor. I have set pole height etc.
Any pointers?

Shop owner reply (04/03/2025):
Dear, Malthe
Read a good tutorial on frames - Read it, you will understand that "where" is closely related to "when". That is, coordinates measured 10-20 years ago need to be recalculated.

Built-in PPP from RTKLib, it uses AFAIK the ITRF frame. CSRS-PPP is at least PPP-AR, and maybe PPP-RTK, it is more accurate. About the methods -

As for the height systems, they are different in each country. It makes sense to compare only the height above the ellipsoid, and not the height above the geoid.
0 1 2 3 4
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful
Total Rating: 0 1 2 3 4

What is the chipset of the USB serial interface please (e.g. FTDI, PL-2303)?
I'm wanting to validate that my DAQ platform will support this interface for NMEA / Correction data. Thanks.

Shop owner reply (04/03/2025):
Dear, Wayne M
0 1 2 3 4
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful
Total Rating: 0 1 2 3 4

Bonjour, je ne trouve pas d'autre point pour prendre contact le script ne fonctionne pas pour l'installation sur pi, l'url est défaillante

Shop owner reply (02/02/2025):
GitHub a rencontré quelques problèmes d'accès il y a quelques jours. J'ai vérifié les liens, ils s'ouvrent.
Pour communiquer - écrivez un e-mail à
0 1 2 3 4
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful
Total Rating: 0 1 2 3 4

We are interested in getting additional information on NEO-M9V USB C GNSS UDR/ADR module with LIS3MDL magnetometer.
We do not understand how the LIS3MDL magnetometer is integrated with the NEO-M9V.

Shop owner reply (23/02/2025):
Dear, Andrew
"We do not understand how the LIS3MDL magnetometer is integrated with the NEO-M9V" - No way. The NEO-M9V outputs coordinates, the LIS3MDL outputs heading (the direction the drone is facing). Since the drone can fly sideways, the course angle (the direction of movement) output by the NEO-M9V is not related to the heading (the direction the drone is facing).
0 1 2 3 4
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful
Total Rating: 0 1 2 3 4

I'm looking for a presentation of the M-cpie connections with the UM982. Where can I find this table?
Thank you

0 1 2 3 4
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful
Total Rating: 0 1 2 3 4

At first I planned to order some generic UM980 board with 2x 4 pin connectors and connect viac usb interface to my RPI. But then I found this device with integrated USB port. I was looking for boards with 50 Hz pull rate (not 20 Hz). It seems it works fine, but only today I realized there is * in the specs Data update rate 50 Hz *.
So what is the actual update rate ? 20 Hz ? This is misleading. Its like claim: Here is Ford car with Porsche motor inside (if you upgrade it somehow).
So can I upgrade firmware on this device without sacrifice of any featurea ? I plan to use it primarily asi Onocoy station.


Shop owner reply (02/02/2025):
Dear Matej

> Its like a claim: Here is a Ford car with a Porsche motor inside (if you upgrade it somehow).
This is a fighter with variable sweep wings. If you want it fast, the wings are pressed. If you want it to be maneuverable, they are released, but it won't be fast.

> So what is the actual update rate? 20 Hz?
A full 50 Hz (not only measurements, but also PVT) are available starting with firmware UM980_R4.10Build17548 from December 2024. But only in CONFIG SIGNALGROUP 8, that is, with a limited set of signals. In other SIGNALGROUPs - only 20 Hz.

> So can I upgrade firmware on this device without sacrificing any feature?
YES. Write to indicating the order number - I will send you the firmware. The manufacturer forbids us to post it on the website.

> I plan to use it primarily as Onocoy station.
Then you need to use SIGNALGROUP 2, it gives more signals. But it only has 20 Hz.

P.S. We have an M21 RTK/INS receiver. It has 2 Hz on RTK, but 100 Hz from INS. If you have a car, it will work. If you have a flying drone, there is no profile for drones yet. But the manufacturer promises.
0 1 2 3 4
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful
Total Rating: 0 1 2 3 4

It has bluetooth incorporated? The conectivity is made from Usb-C?

Shop owner reply (02/02/2025):
>It has Bluetooth incorporated?

> The connectivity is made from Usb-C?

P.S. Inside the case there is also a COM2 port in TTL levels.
0 1 2 3 4
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful
Total Rating: 0 1 2 3 4

Bought the ELT0222 UC980 Dongle. Good quality. Very handy. Work with the UPrecise program with no problem getting Autonomous & SBAS fixes.
However, can't get any RTK fixes with my local CORS network. Have tried entering the following command with no success: "CONFIG NCOM20 2101 mount port username password". The UPrecise program reports a Parsing error message. Any help is appreciated.

Shop owner reply (02/02/2025):
Dear Hon-kwan LEE
> However, can't get any RTK fixes with my local CORS network.
Download the new version of Uprecise and the new documentation from Section " RTCM Monitoring" describes how to connect to NTRIP.
0 1 2 3 4
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful
Total Rating: 0 1 2 3 4

We would like to proof-test this dongle, but we find it hard to understand its working - so hope you will be able to clarify.
Our scenario includes the dongle connected to an iOS device and used as an RTK rover, with correction data obtained from the Internet paid service. Is it possible to stream the NTRIP data, obtained by the iOS device directly from the NTP caster, to the dongle through the USB connection, simultaneously with the reception of position? Should be, but not clear from the documentation.
The same questions apply to the other dongles you produce, we might consider them too. Guess the answer would be the same.
Many thanks in advance

Shop owner reply (02/02/2025):
Dear Raxx
Yes, you can. All modern receivers (Bynav M20/M21, Unicore UM980/UM982, Ublox F9P/F9R, Septentrio Mosaic X5/H/T) have separate protocol selection for reception and transmission. Moreover, it is possible to receive and transmit via several protocols simultaneously.
There is a link in the description above where you can download "Bynav Interface Protocol". The required command is described in "3.1.11 INTERFACEMODE". It will be "INTERFACEMODE COM1 AUTO AUTO" (set by default). Then order the required NMEA packets for transmission.